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The Data Room contains data through April 2022. Will more recent data be posted to the AEP CBP website prior to the November 2022 Auction?
The Data Room contains the most up-to-date information available for the data series that are updated monthly. The files available on the Data Room page are typically updated monthly, on or before the 20th of each month. As such, data through May 2022 is expected to be made available on or before August 20th.
08/16/2022 in Data
Can you confirm whether Competitive Retail Electricity Service providers are purposefully dropping customers back to Default Supply and if this is causing an increase in SSO load?
AEP Ohio does not provide load analysis or forecast for SSO customers or SSO Load. Each bidder is responsible for its own independent assessment of all sources of information that may be pertinent and is responsible for making all investigations it deems necessary or advisable in its sole discretion before deciding to participate in any auction under AEP Ohio’s CBP.
08/16/2022 in Data
We've noticed a large shift in the NSPL data between November 2021 and December 2021. Can you please confirm that the NSPL data is correct?
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The following file has been updated for January 2021 through November 2021 and was posted to the CBP website on August 16, 2022:• AEP Ohio NSPL Report
08/16/2022 in Data
- FAQ-270:
Can you please confirm the customer count and hourly load data? It seems there's been an increase in hourly load recently.
The hourly load data as well as the customer count data available in the data room are correct. AEP Ohio does not provide load analysis or forecast for SSO customers or SSO Load. Each bidder is responsible for its own independent assessment of all sources of information that may be pertinent and is responsible for making all investigations it deems necessary or advisable in its sole discretion before deciding to participate in any auction under AEP Ohio’s CBP.
05/06/2022 in Data
- FAQ-269:
Is the PLC data posted in the Data Room scaled by Daily Zonal Scaling Factors?
The PLC data posted is scaled to the zonal weather normalized coincident summer peaks.
03/02/2022 in Data
- FAQ-268:
Will more recent data be posted to the AEP CBP website prior to the March 2022 Auction?
The Data Room contains the most up-to-date information available for the data series that are updated monthly. The files available on the Data Room page are typically updated monthly, on or before the 20th of each month. Data updated through November 2021 is expected to be posted by the 20th of February 2022. Each bidder is responsible for its own independent assessment of all sources of information that may be pertinent and is responsible for making all investigations it deems necessary or advisable in its sole discretion before deciding to participate in any auction under AEP Ohio’s CBP.
02/17/2022 in Data
- FAQ-267:
Is the hourly energy data provided in the data room weather normalized?
The historical hourly energy data provided in the data room has not been weather normalized.
02/02/2022 in Data
- FAQ-266:
Are suppliers responsible for serving load including transmission and distribution losses?
Each winning bidder will be responsible for fulfilling all the requirements of an LSE for the portion of AEP Ohio’s SSO supply that it serves, including, without limitation, energy, capacity, ancillary services, market-based transmission service (excluding NITS), and any other service as required by PJM. AEP Ohio will provide distribution services and will be responsible for NITS charges and for other non-market-based FERC approved transmission charges. Full requirements service and the LSE obligations of SSO Suppliers are defined in the Master SSO Supply Agreement. The hourly energy requirements of the SSO supply, as measured or profiled by AEP Ohio and settled by PJM, will include distribution losses, transmission losses, and unaccounted for energy, and will be de-rated for transmission losses in accordance with PJM’s settlement methodology and implementation of marginal transmission losses. Please note that the Master SSO Supply Agreement provides further and full details on the obligations of the SSO Supplier.
02/02/2022 in Data
- FAQ-265:
Does the hourly load data posted to the CBP website include transmission and distribution losses?
The energy volumes used for settlement will be de-rated for marginal transmission losses by PJM. The historical hourly load data posted to the CBP website includes all transmission and distribution losses and has not been de-rated for marginal transmission losses. Historical de-ration factors are available on PJM’s website through PJM’s InSchedule tool. AEP Ohio does not post hourly distribution or transmission loss factors.
02/02/2022 in Data
- FAQ-264:
Where can I find information on the results of previous auctions?
This information is available through the following link, https://aepohiocbp.com/index.cfm?s=background&p=previousResults, as well as physically located by visiting https://aepohiocbp.com/, then “Background”, then “Results”.
01/25/2022 in Other/General
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- FAQ-270: