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Please provide hourly load, PLC, NSPL, and customer counts data by customer groups.
Historical hourly energy and monthly customer counts are reported at the aggregate AEP Ohio zone and provided in two files, one for SSO customers and one for CRES customers. Within each file, data is broken down into two customer groups, Residential and Commercial and Industrial ("C&I"). Detailed PLC and NSPL data by customer group are not available. The Data Room contains the most up-to-date information available for the data series that are updated monthly. A change in the way that the PLC, NSPL, Hourly Energy, and Customer Count data is reported in the Data Room will not be made at this time.
09/30/2022 in Data
Which previously submitted documentation and information for the Part 1 Application is retained by the Auction Manager for bidders that have qualified in a prior Auction under this CBP?
All Applicants, both new bidders and those bidders that have qualified in a prior Auction under this CBP, must complete the Part 1 Application in its entirety. This consists of completing the online Part 1 Form and uploading to the online Part 1 Form any required documents and Inserts. Additional information surrounding the requirements of the Part 1 Application can be found in Article IV of the CBP Rules.Previously submitted documentation and information related to an Applicant’s Legal Representative in Ohio, including the Legal Representative Insert (#P1-4), is retained for bidders that have qualified in a prior auction under this CBP for AEP Ohio. However, if the name of the Applicant’s Legal Representative in Ohio does not match the documentation and information retained by the Auction Manager, the Auction Manager will require additional information from the Bidder. Additionally, previously submitted information and documentation demonstrating that the Applicant is qualified by a PJM as a “Market Buyer” and “Market Seller” and a PJM “Load Serving Entity is also retained for returning bidders. However, if the Applicant has more recent documentation related to its status with PJM, the Applicant must provide such documentation.
09/27/2022 in Applications
How much pre-bid security is required to participate in the auction?
Each Qualified Bidder must post pre-bid security sufficient to support its indicative offer at the maximum starting price. For the November 2022 auction, a bidder must provide a pre-bid letter of credit or cash in an amount of $500,000 per tranche of the bidder’s indicative offer at the maximum starting price. No additional pre-bid security is required for the November 2022 auction.
09/22/2022 in Applications
What is the contingency plan if an auction fails to procure all available tranches in an auction?
The contingency plan is provided in Article IX of the CBP rules.If an auction fails to procure all needed SSO Supply, the unfilled tranches will be offered in the next auction under the CBP. If the delivery period for the unfilled tranches starts prior to the next scheduled auction under the CBP, AEP Ohio will procure SSO Supply in PJM administered markets. In that case, AEP Ohio will procure such SSO Supply from the start of the delivery period until the last day of the month after the month during which the auction in which the unfilled tranches are offered is held.
If unfilled tranches are re-bid in an auction, and they remain unfilled after being offered at auction a second time, AEP Ohio will procure SSO Supply in PJM-administered markets for the remainder of the delivery period of the unfilled tranches.
09/22/2022 in Other/General , CBP Rules
Are there criteria for the Commission to accept the auction results?
As stated in Section VIII.1.3 of the CBP Rules, the Commission has a two (2) business day window from the conclusion of the auction for review of the results. The Commission may reject the results of the auction, through an Order filed within the review window, based upon a report from the Auction Manager or the Commission Consultant that the auction violates a specific CBP rule in such a manner so as to invalidate the auction or if the Commission determines that one or more of the following criteria were not met:• The auction was oversubscribed on the basis of the indicative offers received in the Part 2 Application;
• There were four (4) or more bidders;
• No bidder won more than 80% of the tranches available at the start of the auction.
Otherwise, the Commission shall accept the auction results.
09/22/2022 in Other/General , CBP Rules
Can you please explain what factors are considered when determining the minimum and maximum starting price range?
The methodology for calculating the minimum and maximum starting price is not available.
09/22/2022 in CBP Rules
Can you provide the names of winning bidders from prior auctions?
The names of the winning bidders, the number of tranches won by each bidder for each product, and the auction clearing price for each product will remain confidential until released publicly by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“Commission”) or as required by law.Additional information, including information pertaining to the auction results, that has been released by the Commission, can be found on the Commission website in Docket No. 17-2391-EL-UNC: https://dis.puc.state.oh.us/CaseRecord.aspx?CaseNo=17-2391-EL-UNC&x=20&y=11
09/22/2022 in Other/General , CBP Rules
When will an updated AEP Ohio Government Aggregation file be made available?
AEP Ohio will make available on the Data Room page an updated government aggregation file prior to the November 2022 CBP Auction and an announcement will be sent when the information becomes available.
09/22/2022 in Data
The Data Room contains NSPL and PLC data through May 2022. When are the NSPL and PLC data for June 2022, July 2022, and August 2022 expected to be posted to the AEP CBP website?
The Data Room contains the most up-to-date information available for the data series that are updated monthly. The files available on the Data Room page are typically updated monthly, on or before the 20th of each month. As such, data updated through June 2022 is expected to be made available on or before September 20, 2022, data updated through July 2022 is expected to be made available on or before October 20, 2022, and data updated through August 2022 is expected to be made available on or before November 20, 2022.
08/25/2022 in Data
Can bidders submit inquiries using the “Ask a Question” function of AEP CBP website about details surrounding possible filings related to future AEP Ohio ESPs?
Bidders may use the “Ask a Question” function of the AEP CBP website to ask questions related to the current AEP CBP.
08/19/2022 in Other/General
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