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In the PLC and NSPL files in the data room, the total AEP Ohio volumes are constant for the entire period for which the date is provided. Specifically, for every single day since 6/1/14 the SOS and CRES PLCs add up to 8780MW. Can you please describe the how a supplier's PLC obligation will be impacted by customers shutting down or starting up?
An SSO Supplier is responsible for fulfilling all of the requirements of an LSE for the portion of AEP Ohio’s SSO supply that it serves, including, without limitation, energy, capacity, ancillary services, market-based transmission service (excluding NITS), and any other service as required by PJM. The total PY 2015/16 Peak Load Contribution (PLC) is calculated annually and remains unchanged until the next PJM year calculation is performed, regardless of the impact due to load growth or load reduction. Thus, changes in the daily SSO total PY 2015/16 PLC will only reflect migration to or from a CRES provider, and a change in one will always be balanced by an offsetting change in the other.
04/23/2015 in Data
Please confirm this scenario is correct. A Competitive Retail Electric Service (“CRES”) provider serves a 100 MW customer. This customer then leaves the CRES provider and returns to AEP Ohio. This switch would be represented in the PLC data on the website by increasing the SSO PLC by 100 MW.
Yes, that is correct. The SSO’s total Peak Load Contribution (PLC) would be adjusted to reflect the sum of the PLCs corresponding to total current SSO customers. Correspondingly, the CRES total PLC would change to reflect the switch to SSO.
04/23/2015 in Data
You provided the planning year 2015/16 SSO Peak Load Contribution (“PLC”) as of December 31, 2014. Can you also provide this value based on Competitive Electric Retail Service (“CRES”) customers? Additionally, can you please provide these values as of a more recent date?
The PLC value for PY 2015/16 based on Competitive Electric Retail Service (“CRES”) customers will not be provided. The SSO PLC value of 2,954.03 MW for PY 2015/16, provided during the AEP-Ohio’s March 23, 2015 Bidder Webcast, was based on AEP Ohio’s SSO customer numbers as of December 31, 2014. This is the most recent data that will be provided.
04/23/2015 in Data
Can you provide PLC and customer count data from 1/1/2015 to 3/31/2015?
The Peak Load Contribution (“PLC”) for AEP-Ohio’s Standard Service Offer (SSO) and customer count data is updated and posted to AEP Ohio CBP’s website on a monthly basis. PLC and customer count data through 1/31/2015 will be posted on or before the 20th of April. Please note that the PLC value for planning year 2015/16 is 2,954.03 MW, as reported during the AEP-Ohio’s March 23, 2015 Bidder Webcast. This PLC value was estimated using AEP Ohio’s SSO customer numbers as of December 31, 2014.
04/23/2015 in Data
Can you provide hourly Energy Data from 1/1/2015 to 3/31/2015?
The hourly energy data is updated and posted to AEP Ohio CBP’s website on a monthly basis. AEP-Ohio does not believe it is appropriate to provide data of a preliminary nature. There is a 60 day processing window between the end of the a month and the date the data is available in its final format. Hourly energy data through 1/31/2015 is now posted.
04/23/2015 in Data
Please provide hourly energy data from 1/1/2015 to 3/31/2015 even if it is not the final values.
The hourly energy data is updated and posted to AEP Ohio CBP’s website on a monthly basis. AEP-Ohio does not believe it is appropriate to provide data of a preliminary nature. There is a 60 day processing window between the end of the a month and the date the data is available in its final format. Hourly energy data through 1/31/2015 will be posted on or before the 20th of April.
04/20/2015 in Data
Will AEP Ohio capacity obligations for both AEP Ohio Standard Service Offer (SSO) and Competitive Electric Retail Service (CRES) customers be subject to PJM’s RPM auction clearing prices starting in 2015? If yes, will you provide the AEP Ohio capacity obligation for 2015/16?
Yes, AEP Ohio capacity obligations for AEP Ohio Standard Service Offer (SSO) and Competitive Electric Retail Service (CRES) customers will be subject to PJM’s RPM auction clearing prices beginning with the DY 2015/16. The UCAP Obligation (MW) and Capacity Price (in $/MW-day) for the entire AEP Zone can be found in PJM’s web site here. Specific UCAP obligation for the AEP Ohio portion of the load is not available. Please note that the PLC value for AEP-Ohio’s Standard Service Offer (SSO) customers for planning year 2015/16 is 2,954.03 MW. This data was provided during the AEP-Ohio’s March 23, 2015 Bidder Webcast.
04/20/2015 in Data
The 2015 Peak Load Contribution (“PLC”) value provided during the AEP-Ohio’s March 23, 2015 Bidder Webcast is based on customer numbers as of what date?
The Peak Load Contribution (PLC) value of 2,954.03 MW for PY 2015/16 was based on AEP Ohio’s SSO customer numbers as of December 31, 2014.
04/20/2015 in Data
Do suppliers need to multiply the historical hourly energy in the Data Room by the hourly de-ration factors provided by PJM to calculate the load to be used for settlement purposes?
The energy volumes used for settlement will be de-rated for marginal transmission losses by PJM. Historical de-ration factors are available on PJM’s website through PJM’s InSchedule tool.
04/20/2015 in Data
Since AEP Ohio’s UCAP obligation is affected by Fixed Resource Requirement (“FRR”) quantities, can you please provide the UCAP obligation and capacity price of the AEP Ohio portion for 2014 or 2015?
Specific UCAP obligation for the AEP Ohio portion of the load is not available. The UCAP Obligation (MW) and Capacity Price (in $/MW-day) for the entire AEP Zone can be found in PJM’s web site here. Please note that the PLC value for AEP-Ohio’s Standard Service Offer (SSO) customers for planning year 2015/16 is 2,954.03 MW. This data was provided during the AEP-Ohio’s March 23, 2015 Bidder Webcast.
04/20/2015 in Data
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