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The government aggregation data posted to the CBP web site on October 12, 2015 was previously posted in April for a different time period, with some overlap. Are both data sets directly comparable?
They are not directly comparable. Please refer to the reminder entitled “Please Download Latest Government Aggregation Data posted on October 12, 2015”, sent via email and posted on the AEP Ohio CBP web site on Monday, November 2, 2015.
11/02/2015 in Data
Can you please provide annual usage for each of Globe Metallurgical and TimkenSteel?
All information regarding Reasonable Arrangements is provided in FAQ #78.
11/02/2015 in Data
We noticed a potential issue with the Hourly Load data posted to the Data Room for the October 2015 data update. Please investigate.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The corrected file has been posted to the Data Room.
10/30/2015 in Data
If a large industrial customer in the SSO Load shuts down, what is the criteria and timing for removing the customer’s SDI from the calculation of Capacity for the SSO Load? Can we assume that the capacity obligation associated with such SDI will not remain part of the SSO Load but will be proportioned across the entire AEP Ohio customer base?
Individual SDI capacity tags for a given year remain unchanged until the next PJM year calculation is performed, even though some SDIs may experience significant load growth or load reduction. Such SDI would remain part of SSO Load as explained in this document:https://www.aepohio.com/global/utilities/lib/docs/account/service/choice/OH/CalculationsProcesses/AEP%20Ohio%20CRES%20Capacity%20Calculation.pdf
10/28/2015 in Data
Can you provide PLC data for planning year 2016/2017?
AEP Ohio provides historical data for the convenience of bidders but does not provide forecasts.
10/28/2015 in Data
What is the date of the customer counts that you used for the PLC provided during the webcast?
The PLC provided during the webcast is based on the five highest coincident peaks experienced by PJM in 2014 for SSO customers (i.e., non-shopping only) using customer counts as of June 1, 2015.
10/26/2015 in Data
What is accounting for the huge drop in Large C&I customers from May 2015 to June 2015? Is this attributed to migration from SSO?
It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to interpret possible reasons for changes in customer counts and hourly load from period to period.
10/22/2015 in Data
How many reasonable arrangement customers are taking service under SSO? Also, please provide the peak load (MW) for the reasonable arrangement customers under SSO.
There are three (3) customers under Reasonable Arrangements in the AEP Ohio service territory that have been approved by the Public Utility Commission of Ohio (“Commission”) under R.C. 4905.31. Since the end of 2014, the Commission has approved requests from all three (3) of these Reasonable Arrangement customers to begin purchasing capacity and energy from CRES providers. These customers have obtained confidential treatment and have secured protective orders relative to their agreements. Information that is publicly available related to these filings are available from the Commission. The aggregate load that can purchase capacity and energy from CRES providers under these approvals from the Commission is approximately 347.5 MW.Should these customers purchase energy and capacity from CRES providers, these customers would continue to have Reasonable Arrangements with AEP Ohio for purposes of purchasing transmission and distribution service and their contract termination dates are: June 1, 2015 for the Globe Metallurgical arrangement; January 1, 2019 for the Eramet Marietta arrangement; and December 31, 2015 for the TimkenSteel Corporation arrangement. Any migration by a Reasonable Arrangement customer to a CRES provider is reflected in the hourly load data posted to the CBP website as would any other migration of customers from SSO to a CRES provider.
10/21/2015 in Data
Is it possible for AEP Ohio to provide additional updated Hourly Load Data beyond May 31, 2015?
The Hourly Load and Customer Count data in the Data Room is updated through June 2015. No further data will be provided until the next data update on or around October 20, 2015.
09/23/2015 in Data
Has there been any change in the way day after SSO load data is determined and posted to PJM from the energy only transaction ended May 31 2015 and the full requirements transactions beginning June 1 2015 ?
No. There has been no change to either the way the data is determined or the way it is posted.
08/27/2015 in Data
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