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Can you please clarify how the MW-Measure announced on March 9, 2016 was calculated?SSO Suppliers with Tranches won before
SSO Suppliers withTranches won at March CRES Suppliers Serving
PIPP Load# tranches 83 17 Shares 83%
17% 0% SSO Customers (excluding PIPP) Total 2,262.60 1,877.96
384.64 Shares 83% 0% 17% PIPP Customers only Total 364.00 302.12 61.88 Total PLC Total 2,626.60 2,180.08 384.64 61.88 Per Tranche MW-Measure Before March 2016 26.27 22.63 N/A Wtd. average MW-Measure (1% of total PLC)
The table above shows the calculation. The total PLC for SSO is the sum of:- 2,180.08, which is 83% of SSO customers and 83% of PIPP customers; and
- 384.64, which is 17% of SSO customers (and no percentage of PIPP customers).
This total is 2,564.72 (rounded to 2,565 MW). The MW-measure for a 1% tranche is then 1% of 2,565 or 25.65 MW.
03/14/2016 in Data
Supply for an additional 34% of the PIPP Load is expected to be procured through a separate RFP auction process in Spring 2017. What will be the effect on the PLC and MW-measure in the SSO auction of this further transition of PIPP customers?
The PLC associated with the SSO Auction will, at that time, reflect the exclusion of 51% of the PIPP Load (17% procured through a separate RFP auction process in 2016 and 34% procured in 2017). Thus, the MW-measure, which is simply 1% of the PLC associated with SSO Load, will be reduced accordingly.
03/09/2016 in Data
Is the hourly energy data provided in the data room weather normalized?
The historical hourly energy data provided in the data room has not been weather normalized.
03/01/2016 in Data
With reference to FAQ-97, can you provide the full weather normalization factor that will be applied to the data for the planning year beginning on June 1, 2016?
The full weather normalization factor for the Planning Year 2016/2017 is 0.05852016127117. This information is publicly available on page 17 of the Ohio Choice Market Settlement Policies & Procedures.
02/29/2016 in Data
Are the government aggregation volumes in the data room already excluded from SSO supply customer usage data? What are the start and end dates of these Aggregation contracts?
Aggregation load is not included in the SSO load. It is considered a subset of the CRES load. Aggregation contracts can vary in both term and start and end dates. These are a function of the negotiations between municipalities that have approved aggregation initiatives and the CRES providers with whom they contract.
02/18/2016 in Data
In the webcast presentation dated January 13, 2016, you indicated a 2,627 MW PLC. What is this information based on?
The 2,627 MW PLC found on Slide 12 of the Bidder Information Webcast presentation dated January 13, 2016 is based on the five highest coincident peaks experienced by PJM in 2015 for SSO customers (i.e., non-shopping only) enrolled as of December 31, 2015. This number has not been weather adjusted. The MW-measure is provided for reference purposes only. The amount of actual quantity to be delivered depends on many factors (e.g., migration of SSO customers).
02/18/2016 in Data
Please confirm if the PLCs listed on the CBP Website are weather normalized, and if so please indicate the Weather Normalization Factor and the relevant time period that the factor is applied to as well as whether the Weather Normalization Factor is applied both data series “SSO_PLC” and “CRES_PLC”.
In responding to this question, we assumed that you are asking with reference to the daily PLC report posted to the CBP Website Data Room. For the daily PLC data starting June 1, 2015, the PLC data has been weather normalized and a Weather Normalization Factor of 7.62% has been applied to the daily PLCs for both the data series “SSO_PLC” and “CRES_PLC”. The Weather Normalization Factor of 5.85% will be applied to the data beginning on June 1, 2016.
02/16/2016 in Data
In regard to Attachment F (Sample PJM Invoice) of the Master SSO Supply Agreement, does AEP Ohio provide historical costs for each line item?
No, AEP Ohio does not provide such data.
01/20/2016 in Data
Who is the contact person at AEP Ohio if I have a question related to the data available to SSO Suppliers under the terms of the Master SSO Supply Agreement?
This information is available upon request from the Auction Manager.
12/08/2015 in Data
Will AEP Ohio respond to questions about load forecasting? We are interested in understanding how to predict any differences between preliminary loads and resettled loads.
AEP Ohio asks that you direct your attention to Section 4.2 of the AEP Ohio Master Standard Service Offer Supply Agreement. This section very clearly establishes that AEP Ohio is not required to provide load forecasting services under any scenario under the Agreement. As such, AEP Ohio is not, per the terms of the Master Standard Service Offer Supply Agreement, able to answer or take questions about load forecasting services, load shapes or load quantities, whether preliminary or otherwise. As you are aware and as is consistent with the terms of the Master Standard Service Supply Agreement, billing is done on an estimated basis (as is the case with other SSO agreements), with a true-up using the 60 day numbers from PJM, and that billing can be subsequently adjusted, as necessary, to address meter errors, etc. or additional billing items/matters. As you are also aware, load data, after the 60 day process, is subsequently put on the CBP website for all SSO suppliers. This is the only load data that AEP Ohio provides per the terms of the Master Standard Service Offer Supply Agreement. Please consult the CBP website for more information on this data.
12/04/2015 in Data
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