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Will additional ARR information for delivery year 2017/2018 be available prior to the March 2017 Auction?
At this time, AEP Ohio does not expect to provide data or information related to ARRs prior to the start of the auction on March 28, 2017.
03/23/2017 in Data
The Hourly Load data posted to the Data Room for the February 2017 data update appears to contain some anomalous data starting in early November 2016. Please confirm the data is the most updated for use.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Updated data has been posted on March 17, 2017, which now corrects for an error in the historical load data due to day light savings adjustments. The updated data supersedes all previously posted data. Please download the latest data here.
03/20/2017 in Data
Please confirm if the hourly load data on the CBP website reflect de-rated load and if AEP provides hourly distribution and transmission loss factors for the hourly load data posted to the CBP website.
The energy volumes used for settlement will be de-rated for marginal transmission losses by PJM. The historical hourly load data posted to the CBP website includes all transmission and distribution losses and has not been de-rated for marginal transmission losses. Historical de-ration factors are available on PJM’s website through PJM’s InSchedule tool. AEP Ohio does not post hourly distribution or transmission loss factors.
03/20/2017 in Data
Please confirm that for the period starting June 1, 2016, the hourly energy data for PIPP Customers is not included as part of the SSO information.
Yes, that is correct. For the period prior to June 1, 2016, SSO hourly energy data includes the load of PIPP Customers. For the period starting June 1, 2016, SSO hourly energy data does not include the load of PIPP Customers. The PIPP hourly energy data and monthly customer counts are provided as separate files for CSP and OPCo zones. Please refer to the Data Description file posted to the data room for more details.
10/31/2016 in Data
With reference to the daily PLC data for SSO Customers posted to the data room, please explain the decrease in the daily PLC data for SSO Customers in June 2016?
AEP Ohio cannot comment on how you analyze the data. Nevertheless, AEP Ohio notes two points. First, PLC tags are updated on an annual basis effective on June 1 each year. Second, starting June 1, 2016 the daily PLC data for PIPP Customers are provided as a separate series in the data file and are no longer included as part of the daily PLC of SSO Customers.
10/31/2016 in Data
For the daily NSPL and PLC data, we noticed that you have provided PIPP Customer’s PLC and NSPL as a separate series. Please confirm that for the period starting June 1, 2016 the NPSL and PLC data for PIPP Customers are not included as part of SSO or CRES information.
Yes, that is correct.
09/23/2016 in Data
Will additional ARR information for delivery year 2016/2017 be available prior to the March 2016 Auction?
AEP Ohio does not expect to provide any additional data or information related to ARRs prior to the auction start date of March 29, 2016.
03/23/2016 in Data
Historically, we have observed a decrease of the Large C&I SSO percentage and corresponding increase of Small C&I SSO percentage around November each year. Are Large C&I customers re-classified as Small C&I customers each year around the same time?
There is no re-classification of the type as you have suggested. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to interpret possible reasons for changes in customer counts and hourly load from period to period.
03/23/2016 in Data
With respect to the historical hourly load data posted to the CBP Website, does the hourly load of SSO Customers include the load of PIPP Customers?
With respect to the historical hourly load data posted to the CBP Website for the period prior to June 1, 2016, the load of PIPP Customers is included as part of the load of SSO Customers. Starting, June 1, 2016, the load of PIPP Customers are excluded from the load of SSO Customers.
03/18/2016 in Data
Is the MW-Measure announced on March 9, 2016 applicable to SSO Suppliers that won tranches in the first three auctions under AEP Ohio’s CBP or is it applicable to SSO Suppliers that will win tranches in the March 2016 Auction, the fourth auction under AEP Ohio’s CBP?
The MW-Measure announced on March 9, 2016 is the weighted average of the MW-Measure applicable to SSO Suppliers that won tranches in the first three auctions and the MW-Measure applicable to SSO Suppliers that will win tranches in the March 2016 Auction. Please see the table provided in FAQ FAQ 108.SSO Suppliers that won tranches in the first three auctions continue to provide supply for PIPP customers as well as for SSO customers. Thus, together these SSO Suppliers are responsible for 83% of SSO customers and 83% of PIPP customers. The total PLC for those 83 tranches is 2,180.08 MW, or 26.27 MW/tranche.
SSO Suppliers that will win tranches in the March 2016 Auction will provide supply for SSO customers only (and not for PIPP customers, who will be served by the CRES Supplier that wins the RFP auction process). Thus, together these SSO Suppliers will be responsible for 17% of SSO customers (and 0% of PIPP customers). The total PLC for those 17 tranches is 384.64, or 22.63 MW/tranche.
The announced MW-measure of 25.65 is the weighted average of these MW-measures ((.83)*26.27+(.17)*22.63)) and is thus a MW-Measure representative of the SSO Load as a whole.
Bidders are reminded that these MW-measures are calculated for informational purposes only. AEP Ohio does not represent that a tranche will have the loads announced or any particular value. The actual SSO Load will depend upon many factors including customer migration to CRES providers and weather conditions. Bidders are responsible for evaluating the uncertainties associated with the SSO Load for which they are responsible for providing supply.
03/14/2016 in Data
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