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Is the Capacity Peak Load Contributions (PLCs) data posted on the CBP website weather normalized and scaled by the Daily Zonal Scaling Factor?
The PLC data posted is scaled to the zonal weather normalized coincident summer peaks.
11/09/2018 in Data
Can you provide PLC data for planning year 2018/2019?
AEP Ohio provides historical data for the convenience of bidders but does not provide forecasts. The files available on the Data Room page are typically updated monthly, on or before the 20th of each month. PLC data for the entire month of January 2018 is expected to be posted by the 20th of May 2018.
02/27/2018 in Data
Can AEP please provide NSPL values for dates into 2018?
Please find below NSPL values for a day in January 2018 and February 2018:As of January 23, 2018:
- AEP Ohio NSPL - 8168.6
- SSO NSPL - 2591.04
- CRES NSPL - 5283.23
- PIPP NSPL - 294.3
As of February 13, 2018:
- AEP Ohio NSPL - 8168.6
- SSO NSPL - 2463.2
- CRES NSPL - 5414.2
- PIPP NSPL - 291.2
The files available on the Data Room page are typically updated monthly, on or before the 20th of each month. Data for the entire month of January 2018 is expected to be posted by the 20th of May 2018.
02/27/2018 in Data
Can you please confirm that the data posted to the Data Room page of the CBP website contains the most up-to-date information available to bidders?
The data files posted to the Data Room page of the CBP website contain data through October 31, 2017.
02/22/2018 in Data
The data room has data separately for Large C&I And Small SC&I. What are the criteria used to determine which group a customer belongs to?
Large C&I includes commercial and industrial customers larger than 8,000 kW taking service under rate schedule GS-4. Small C&I includes commercial and industrial customers taking service under one of AEP Ohio’s non-residential rates and are not qualified as Large C&I.
02/22/2018 in Data
Please provide the capacity tag obligation for the planning year 2018-19. We believe this information is made available to CRES providers.
AEP Ohio calculates aggregate customer capacity tag obligations based on the customer’s metered share of the peak and provides these to CRES. These PLC tags are included in the Pre-Enrollment Customer List and can be accessed on AEP Ohio’s Business Partner Portal. Please visit AEP Ohio’s website for additional instructions on how the PLC tags are calculated and how to access the Business Partner Portal here: https://www.aepohio.com/account/service/choice/CRES/
02/21/2018 in Data
Is customer migration the only factor that causes the fluctuation in the daily PLC data posted to the Data Room of the CBP website?
With reference to the daily PLC data posted online, you are correct that migration accounts for the fluctuation in the daily PLC data so that the sum of the SSO_PLC, CRES_PLC and PIPP_PLC will be constant for a given planning period beginning June 1 of a year through May 31 of the following year. Starting June 1, 2016, the daily PLC data for PIPP Customers are provided as a separate series in the data file and are no longer included as part of the daily PLC of SSO Customers. Please see FAQ-134.
02/06/2018 in Data
Have the daily PLC data after June 1, 2017 posted to the CBP website in the file “AEP Ohio PLC Report – October 2017.xls” been weather normalized?
The daily PLC data has been weather normalized starting June 1, 2015. The Weather Normalization Factor of 2.18% will be applied to the data beginning on June 1, 2017. This information is publicly available on page 9 of the Ohio Choice Market Settlement Policies & Procedures.
11/17/2017 in Data
Can you please provide detailed PLC data for Residential, Small Commercial and Large Commercial customers separately?
Data in the AEP Data Room is updated monthly on or before the 20th of each month. The Data Room contains the most up-to-date information available for the data series that are updated monthly. Detailed PLC data by customer groups is not available.
11/08/2017 in Data
Please confirm if the data room will continue to be updated during the off period in between auctions.
Data in the AEP Data Room is updated monthly on or before the 20th of each month. The Data Room contains the most up-to-date information available for the data series that are updated monthly.
08/21/2017 in Data
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