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Does the hourly load data posted to the CBP website include transmission and distribution losses?
The energy volumes used for settlement will be de-rated for marginal transmission losses by PJM. The historical hourly load data posted to the CBP website includes all transmission and distribution losses and has not been de-rated for marginal transmission losses. Historical de-ration factors are available on PJM’s website through PJM’s InSchedule tool. AEP Ohio does not post hourly distribution or transmission loss factors.
02/02/2022 in Data
We've noticed a recent drop in customer counts but did not see a corresponding drop in the hourly load data. Additionally, it appears that the number of customers in the switching statistics file does not align with the number of customers in the customer counts file as of March 2021. Can you please confirm that the customer counts data is correct?
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The Auction Manager posted the following revised data files to the Data Room of the CBP website on October 28, 2021:• AEP Ohio SSO Customer Counts
• AEP Ohio Switching Statistics
10/29/2021 in Data
What caused the increase in customers switching out of SSO between June 2021 and July 2021?
Each bidder is responsible for its own independent assessment of all sources of information that may be pertinent and is responsible for making all investigations it deems necessary or advisable in its sole discretion before deciding to participate in any auction under AEP Ohio’s CBP.Please note that the Auction Manager posted the following revised data files to the Data Room of the CBP website on October 28, 2021:
• AEP Ohio SSO Customer Counts
• AEP Ohio Switching StatisticsAdditionally, the Auction Manager posted updated Government Aggregation data to the “Additional Data” section of the Data Room of the CBP website on October 25, 2021. The data is updated through the month of September 2021.
10/29/2021 in Data
Can you please provide preliminary hourly load data for August 2021 and September 2021?
The Data Room contains the most up-to-date information available for the data series that are updated monthly. The files available on the Data Room page are typically updated monthly, on or before the 20th of each month. No additional data is expected to be posted prior to the November 2021 Auction at this time.
10/20/2021 in Data
When will the data in the Data Room be updated?
The Data Room contains the most up-to-date information available for the data series that are updated monthly. The files available on the Data Room page are typically updated monthly, on or before the 20th of each month. Data updated through July 2021 is expected to be posted by the 20th of October 2021.
10/12/2021 in Data
Can you please provide PLC and NSPL data for December 2020 and January 2021?
The files available on the Data Room page are typically updated monthly, on or before the 20th of each month. Data for the entire month of December 2020 is expected to be posted by the 20th of March 2021 and data for the entire month of January 2021 is expected to be posted by the 20th of April 2021.
03/08/2021 in Data
Can you please provide NSPL data for a day in January 2021?
The files available on the Data Room page are typically updated monthly, on or before the 20th of each month. Data for the entire month of January 2021 is expected to be posted by the 20th of April 2021.
03/08/2021 in Data
Can you please explain what the MW-measure of 25.98 (2,598 PLC (MW)) announced on February 5, 2021 represents?
The MW-measure announced during the Bidder Information Webcast on January 12, 2021 and confirmed on February 5, 2021 is based on the five highest coincident peaks experienced by PJM in 2020 for SSO customers (i.e., non-shopping only).Bidders are reminded that the MW-measure is calculated for informational purposes only. AEP Ohio does not represent that a tranche will have the load announced or any particular value. The actual SSO Load will depend upon many factors including customer migration to CRES providers and weather conditions. Bidders are responsible for evaluating the uncertainties associated with the SSO Load for which they are responsible for providing supply.
03/08/2021 in Data
Can you please provide the dates by which the aggregation programs for the City of Columbus, Grove City, and the City of Bexley are expected to begin?
Information about the aggregation programs can be found from the public information links below. Possible dates for Columbus and Bexley to begin is June 2021, but this is only an expected date.• https://cleanenergycolumbus.org/process
• https://bexley.org/bids/
• https://www.thisweeknews.com/story/news/local/grove-city/2020/11/05/grove-city-expected-send-out-rfps-electricity-aggregation-2021/6166512002/
03/03/2021 in Data
There is a large increase in the hourly load data for September 2020 in the files made available on the CBP website. Can you please confirm that the values are correct?
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The following files have been updated for the month of September 2020 and were posted to the CBP website on February 25, 2021:- AEP Ohio SSO Hourly Load
- AEP Ohio CRES Hourly Load
- AEP Ohio PIPP Hourly Load
02/25/2021 in Data
- AEP Ohio SSO Hourly Load
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