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Where is the March 2, 2016 PUCO Order?
The March 2, 2016 PUCO Order can found here:http://dis.puc.state.oh.us/TiffToPDf/A1001001A16C02B40330H00468.pdf.
03/04/2016 in Other/General
On February 1, 2016, PUCO Staff filed a report in Case No. 16-247-EL-UNC, which provides two options for conducting procurements to supply PIPP load for Ohio utilities, including AEP Ohio starting with the March 2016 Auction. How will the PUCO Staff Report in Case No. 16-247-EL-UNC regarding PIPP load impact AEP’s upcoming March 2016 Auction?
AEP Ohio is aware of the referenced Staff Report but will not be able to take any action with respect to the March 2016 auction in regards to the Staff Report in this particular docket, as the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“Commission”) has yet to rule on this particular docket. The PUCO maintains dockets for proceedings before the Commission. These dockets can be accessed via the Commission’s Docketing Information System at https://dis.puc.state.oh.us/. For information related to Case No. 16-247-EL-UNC, including comments filed by AEP Ohio and other parties in response to the Staff’s recommendation, , please visit PUCO’s website at: http://dis.puc.state.oh.us/CaseRecord.aspx?Caseno=16-0247&link=DI.
02/16/2016 in Other/General
Will the webcast presentation be posted online for download?
Yes, the webcast presentation and the audio recordings have been posted to the CBP website.
01/29/2016 in Other/General
Is it possible to access auction data related to bids for academic research?
The auction process is highly confidential and we would not be able to release any of the requested data. The auctions of AEP Ohio’s Competitive Bidding Process (“CBP”) are held pursuant to an electric security plan filed with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“Commission”). The Commission modified and approved AEP Ohio’s current electric security plan in its Order of February 25, 2015 in Case No. 13-2385-EL-SSO. After each auction pursuant to the CBP, the Commission has issued an Order to grant indefinite protection to ensure confidentiality of the auction data, including the bids submitted.
12/07/2015 in Other/General
Is Ormet Corp still under a Reasonable Arrangement with AEP Ohio?
Ormet has shut down.
11/02/2015 in Other/General
Can you provide any potential dates when PIPP aggregation is likely to occur in the AEP Ohio territory?
The timing of PIPP aggregation is uncertain and AEP Ohio has no specific information on timing at this time.
10/20/2015 in Other/General
Could you please let me know whether there is any room for amendments/clarifications in the documentation for this auction with AEP Ohio?
We confirm that the auction documentation as posted to the AEP Ohio CBP website, including the Master Standard Service Offer Supply Agreement and CBP Rules, must be accepted by bidders without amendment. This documentation forms part of the ESP as approved by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
09/30/2015 in Other/General
Where can I find information about doing business with AEP unrelated to their competitive bidding process?
This website is strictly to provide information regarding a competitive bidding process in which prospective suppliers can participate to provide electric service to AEP Ohio’s customers. For information on AEP’s procurement or sale of other goods and commodities, we suggest that you visit AEP’s general website at:https://www.aep.com/about/b2b/
08/14/2015 in Other/General
Can you please comment on how the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s decision dated April 22, 2015 may impact the upcoming auction's results approval?
On April 29, 2014, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“PUCO”) accepted the results of the 1st Auction under the AEP Ohio ESP III. The PUCO’s news release can be viewed here.
05/04/2015 in Other/General
How will any incremental costs related to PJM’s Capacity Performance Product, if approved by the FERC, need to be incorporated into bids?
On December 12, 2014, PJM filed reforms to the Reliability Pricing Market (“RPM”) in regards to the Capacity Performance Product in Docket ER15-623. Additionally, on April 10, 2015, PJM filed a response to FERC’s letter dated March 31, 2015 that informed PJM that its initial proposal was deficient and requested additional information. In this response, PJM is requesting that the FERC accept the reforms effective April 1, 2015 as initially proposed, so that PJM can implement these changes for the 2018/2019 Base Residual Auction.
Neither the Auction Manager nor AEP Ohio can comment on this product or when it will be implemented. Bidders and SSO Suppliers are entirely responsible for investigating potential market changes in PJM and for any other circumstances or factors that may affect their evaluation of providing full requirements to AEP Ohio’s SSO customers. As stated in the Recitals of the Master Standard Service Offer (“SSO”) Supply Agreement, “each SSO Supplier will satisfy its Capacity obligations under the PJM Agreements associated with its respective SSO Supplier Responsibility Share in accordance with the PJM Agreements, including, without limitation, through participation in the base residual auction and incremental auctions administered by PJM.”
Additionally, please see Paragraph 3.1(d), which states “during the Term, each SSO Supplier is responsible, at its sole cost and expense, for any changes in PJM products and pricing required for the delivery of its SSO Supplier Responsibility Share, including all other costs and expenses related to transmission and Ancillary Services in connection with the provision of SSO Supply in proportion to its SSO Supplier Responsibility Share, except for any changes to products or the pricing of such products that are the responsibility of AEP Ohio pursuant to Section 3.2.” Thus, to the extent that PJM introduces a change to its capacity market structure in the form of a Capacity Performance Product or in some other manner, SSO Suppliers are responsible for any increase or decrease in capacity costs that would result.
05/04/2015 in Other/General
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