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Are there criteria for the Commission to accept the auction results?
As stated in Section VIII.1.3 of the CBP Rules, the Commission has a two (2) business day window from the conclusion of the auction for review of the results. The Commission may reject the results of the auction, through an Order filed within the review window, based upon a report from the Auction Manager or the Commission Consultant that the auction violates a specific CBP rule in such a manner so as to invalidate the auction or if the Commission determines that one or more of the following criteria were not met:• The auction was oversubscribed on the basis of the indicative offers received in the Part 2 Application;
• There were four (4) or more bidders;
• No bidder won more than 80% of the tranches available at the start of the auction.
Otherwise, the Commission shall accept the auction results.
09/22/2022 in Other/General
Can you provide the names of winning bidders from prior auctions?
The names of the winning bidders, the number of tranches won by each bidder for each product, and the auction clearing price for each product will remain confidential until released publicly by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“Commission”) or as required by law.Additional information, including information pertaining to the auction results, that has been released by the Commission, can be found on the Commission website in Docket No. 17-2391-EL-UNC: https://dis.puc.state.oh.us/CaseRecord.aspx?CaseNo=17-2391-EL-UNC&x=20&y=11
09/22/2022 in Other/General
Can bidders submit inquiries using the “Ask a Question” function of AEP CBP website about details surrounding possible filings related to future AEP Ohio ESPs?
Bidders may use the “Ask a Question” function of the AEP CBP website to ask questions related to the current AEP CBP.
08/19/2022 in Other/General
Where can I find information on the results of previous auctions?
This information is available through the following link, https://aepohiocbp.com/index.cfm?s=background&p=previousResults, as well as physically located by visiting https://aepohiocbp.com/, then “Background”, then “Results”.
01/25/2022 in Other/General
Is the schedule provided with the Part 2 Notification final?
The Auction Manager sends the “Part 2 Notification” to bidders that have met all the requirements to become a Registered Bidder. Bidders that satisfied the requirement of the Part 2 Application for the November 2021 Auction were provided with a Part 2 Notification on October 26, 2021. The auction schedule provided with the Part 2 Notification is the schedule expected to be used during the Auction on November 2, 2021. Please note that the auction schedule is subject to change. The Auction Manager may issue a new schedule on the day prior to the Auction. The Auction Manager may also advise bidders by system mail within the auction software of changes to the pre-set schedule.
10/29/2021 in Other/General
Where can I find the AEP Ohio Master SSO Supply Agreement from the March 2021 Auction?
The AEP Ohio Master SSO Supply Agreement from the March 2021 Auction can be found on the Documents Archive page on the CBP website.
08/19/2021 in Other/General
Can you please provide the results of the ARR allocation process as well as outline how the allocation process will work for Suppliers that won tranches in the March 2021 SSO Auction?
AEP Ohio participated in the ARR allocation process on behalf of SSO Suppliers for the SSO Load procured in the March 2021 Auction for delivery year 2021/22. ARRs will be allocated to the SSO Supplier winners by PJM effective June 1st.
04/19/2021 in Other/General
Will AEP Ohio participate in the ARR allocation process on behalf of SSO Suppliers for the load procured in the March 2021 Auction? If so, can you please provide the results?
The results of the ARR allocation process will not be provided prior to the Auction on March 9, 2021. Please see response to FAQ-245.
03/04/2021 in Other/General
Will AEP Ohio participate in the ARR allocation process on behalf of SSO Suppliers for the load procured in the March 2021 Auction?
AEP Ohio will participate in the ARR allocation process on behalf of SSO Suppliers for the SSO Load procured in the March 2021 Auction for delivery year 2021/22. SSO Suppliers will get the ARR credit for this delivery year.
02/25/2021 in Other/General
Can you please provide a redline document comparing the CBP Rules for the March 2021 Auction to the CBP Rules for the November 2020 Auction? Additionally, can you please provide a redline document comparing the Master SSO Supply Agreement for the March 2021 Auction to the Master SSO Supply Agreement for the November 2020 Auction?
The Master SSO Supply Agreement for the March 2021 Auction has not changed from the November 2020 Auction and thus a redline will not be provided.Paragraphs I.1.6 and I.1.7 of the CBP Rules for the March 2021 Auction have been updated since the November 2020 Auction to reflect the regulatory events occurring in Case No. 17-2391-EL-UNC. With the exception of the updates to these paragraphs, as well as an update to the date of the file, the CBP Rules for the March 2021 Auction have not changed from the November 2020 Auction and thus a redline will not be provided.
01/27/2021 in Other/General
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