Supply Agreement
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Can you provide a redline that shows the changes in the Master SSO Supply Agreement between the version used in ESP III and the Amended ESP III?
Yes, the redline showing the differences between the changes in the Master SSO Supply Agreement between the version used in ESP III and the Amended ESP III, please click here.
10/17/2017 in Supply Agreement
Where can I find a redline of the Master SSO Supply Agreement comparing the March 4, 2016 version and the prior version?
A redline version of the revised pages of the Master SSO Supply Agreement comparing the version posted on March 4, 2016 and the prior version has been posted to the CBP Website under the Background -- Archives -- Document Archives -- ESP III - March 2016 Auction page.
03/18/2016 in Supply Agreement
How does the March 2nd PUCO Order change the auction product under AEP Ohio’s CBP?
On March 2, 2016, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio issued a Finding and Order in Case No. 16-247-EL-UNC. To comply with this Order, AEP Ohio is removing the load of Percentage of Income Payment Plan customers (“PIPP Customers”) from the auction product under AEP Ohio’s CBP. This change is effective starting with the fourth auction under AEP Ohio’s CBP and only affects auctions under AEP Ohio’s CBP going forward. Master SSO Supply Agreements signed pursuant to winning bids in prior auctions under AEP Ohio’s CBP are unaffected by this Order.
03/04/2016 in Supply Agreement
If the RFP auction process fails to procure supply for PIPP Customers, will SSO Suppliers be required to serve the PIPP load?
No. If the initial RFP auction process was not successful, then a supplemental RFP auction would be held. If the supplemental RFP auction was also unsuccessful, then AEP Ohio would procure supply through the market.
03/04/2016 in Supply Agreement
Are there additional requirements in order for bidders to participate in the upcoming CBP auction as a result of the March 2nd Commission Order?
Yes. The CBP Rules and the Master SSO Supply Agreement will be revised to comply with the Commission Order. Bidders will be required to agree to the terms of the revised CBP Rules and revised Master SSO Supply Agreement as a condition of qualifying to bid in the auction.Bidders will provide this agreement by completing Insert #P2-C, which can be found in the updated Part 2 Inserts zip file: https://aepohiocbp-application.com/part-2-inserts. Please submit this Insert by upload to the Justification of Omissions section of the online Part 2 Form or by email to AEP-CBP@nera.com.
03/04/2016 in Supply Agreement
Please confirm that each tranche is equal to the MW-measure of about 27MW.
No. Each tranche represents a fixed percentage of SSO Load. The “MW-measure” provided is for reference purpose only and the amount of actual quantity to be delivered depends on many factors including migration of SSO-customers.
01/29/2016 in Supply Agreement
Does a SSO supplier need an electricity retail license in Ohio to provide SSO supply under the terms of the Master SSO Supply Agreement?
No, an Applicant to the AEP Ohio CBP does not need to hold an electricity retail license in Ohio. The Applicant must either: (1) be a PJM member in good standing and qualified by PJM as a “Market Buyer” and “Market Seller” pursuant to PJM Agreements and qualified as a PJM “Load Serving Entity”; or (2) certify that there exist no impediments for the Applicant to be qualified by PJM as a “Market Buyer” and “Market Seller” pursuant to PJM Agreements and to be qualified as a PJM “Load Serving Entity” by the start of the supply period. The Applicant must also undertake to be qualified by PJM as a “Market Buyer”, a “Market Seller” pursuant to PJM Agreements, and to be qualified as a PJM “Load Serving Entity” by the start of the supply period should the Applicant become an SSO Supplier.
01/19/2016 in Supply Agreement
Are changes to the Master Standard Service Offer Supply Agreement permitted?
No. The Master Standard Service Offer Supply Agreement is non-negotiable and thus changes are not permitted.
09/03/2015 in Supply Agreement
How will any incremental costs related to PJM’s Capacity Performance Product, if approved by the FERC, need to be incorporated into bids?
On December 12, 2014, PJM filed reforms to the Reliability Pricing Market (“RPM”) in regards to the Capacity Performance Product in Docket ER15-623. Additionally, on April 10, 2015, PJM filed a response to FERC’s letter dated March 31, 2015 that informed PJM that its initial proposal was deficient and requested additional information. In this response, PJM is requesting that the FERC accept the reforms effective April 1, 2015 as initially proposed, so that PJM can implement these changes for the 2018/2019 Base Residual Auction.
Neither the Auction Manager nor AEP Ohio can comment on this product or when it will be implemented. Bidders and SSO Suppliers are entirely responsible for investigating potential market changes in PJM and for any other circumstances or factors that may affect their evaluation of providing full requirements to AEP Ohio’s SSO customers. As stated in the Recitals of the Master Standard Service Offer (“SSO”) Supply Agreement, “each SSO Supplier will satisfy its Capacity obligations under the PJM Agreements associated with its respective SSO Supplier Responsibility Share in accordance with the PJM Agreements, including, without limitation, through participation in the base residual auction and incremental auctions administered by PJM.”
Additionally, please see Paragraph 3.1(d), which states “during the Term, each SSO Supplier is responsible, at its sole cost and expense, for any changes in PJM products and pricing required for the delivery of its SSO Supplier Responsibility Share, including all other costs and expenses related to transmission and Ancillary Services in connection with the provision of SSO Supply in proportion to its SSO Supplier Responsibility Share, except for any changes to products or the pricing of such products that are the responsibility of AEP Ohio pursuant to Section 3.2.” Thus, to the extent that PJM introduces a change to its capacity market structure in the form of a Capacity Performance Product or in some other manner, SSO Suppliers are responsible for any increase or decrease in capacity costs that would result.
05/04/2015 in Supply Agreement
Will SSO Suppliers get paid based on energy volumes grossed up for distribution and transmission losses and derated for PJM marginal losses?
Yes that is correct. Please note that the historical de-ration factors for PJM’s transmission losses are available on PJM’s website through PJM’s InSchedule tool.
04/23/2015 in Supply Agreement
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