CBP Rules
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What is the maximum number of tranches that a company can qualify to bid in the November 2017 Auction?
If a credit-based tranche cap is applicable to the bidder, then the maximum number of tranches that a company can qualify to bid is its credit-based tranche cap. Attachment 2 of the Part 1 Notification states whether a bidder is under a credit-based tranche cap; such credit-based tranche cap is set in accordance to Paragraph IV.1.2 and Table 2 of the CBP Rules.If the bidder is not under a credit-based tranche cap, then the maximum number of tranches that a company can qualify to bid is the load cap, which is 40 tranches in the November 2017 auction.
10/27/2017 in CBP Rules
Is the load cap the same for all bidders or does the load cap take into consideration tranches previously awarded and outstanding?
The load cap is set each auction and is a maximum that any one bidder can bid and win in the auction. The load cap is the same for all bidders and is not individualized to take into consideration tranches previously awarded and outstanding.
10/27/2017 in CBP Rules
How does the March 2nd PUCO Order change the auction product under AEP Ohio’s CBP?
On March 2, 2016, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio issued a Finding and Order in Case No. 16-247-EL-UNC. To comply with this Order, AEP Ohio is removing the load of Percentage of Income Payment Plan customers (“PIPP Customers”) from the auction product under AEP Ohio’s CBP. This change is effective starting with the fourth auction under AEP Ohio’s CBP and only affects auctions under AEP Ohio’s CBP going forward. Master SSO Supply Agreements signed pursuant to winning bids in prior auctions under AEP Ohio’s CBP are unaffected by this Order.
03/04/2016 in CBP Rules
Are there additional requirements in order for bidders to participate in the upcoming CBP auction as a result of the March 2nd Commission Order?
Yes. The CBP Rules and the Master SSO Supply Agreement will be revised to comply with the Commission Order. Bidders will be required to agree to the terms of the revised CBP Rules and revised Master SSO Supply Agreement as a condition of qualifying to bid in the auction.Bidders will provide this agreement by completing Insert #P2-C, which can be found in the updated Part 2 Inserts zip file: https://aepohiocbp-application.com/part-2-inserts. Please submit this Insert by upload to the Justification of Omissions section of the online Part 2 Form or by email to AEP-CBP@nera.com.
03/04/2016 in CBP Rules
Where can I find information about the Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA") Rider? Is it expected to impact the auction?
The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“Commission”) maintains dockets for proceedings before the Commission. Please see Case Nos. 13-2385-ELO-SSO and 12-2386-EL-AAM, and Case No. 14-1693-EL-RDR and Case No. 14-1694-EL-AAM. These dockets can be accessed via the Commission’s Docketing Information System at https://dis.puc.state.oh.us/. Please consult these dockets for additional information.
01/29/2016 in CBP Rules
Is there an assigned expiry date for the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit? If we win tranches in the Auction, can we use the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit to post performance assurance?
The Pre-Bid Letter of Credit must have an expiry date no earlier than 60 calendar days after the date it is issued. The Pre-Bid Letter of Credit cannot be used to post the performance assurance required of Bidders who win supply in the Auction. If the Bidder is using a letter of credit to post performance assurance, the form of SSO Supplier Letter of Credit, which is provided as Attachment E to the Master Standard Service Offer (“SSO”) Supply Agreement, must be used. Please refer to Section 5.9 of the SSO Supply Agreement for more information regarding acceptable forms of performance assurance security.
04/17/2015 in CBP Rules
If a bidder applied to rely on a foreign guarantor but cannot do so based on an assessment provided in the Part 1 Notification, what are the bidder's options for post-bid security if the bidder wins tranches in the Auction?
If the bidder cannot rely on its foreign guarantor, the bidder will be required to meet the creditworthiness requirements for the SSO Suppliers under section 5 of the Master SSO Supply Agreement in another way. As described in Section 5.9 of the Master Standard Service Offer (“SSO”) Supply Agreement, “Acceptable Forms of Security”, an SSO Supplier has the option to post either cash credited to a deposit account of AEP Ohio or a Letter of Credit in the form of the SSO Supplier Letter of Credit, which is provided as Attachment E to the SSO Supply Agreement, in order to satisfy post assurance collateral requirements.
04/17/2015 in CBP Rules
If two entities enter into a bidding agreement, joint venture for the purpose of bidding in the auction, bidding consortium, or other arrangement pertaining to bidding in the auction (an “Arrangement”), are these entities associated? If entities are associated with each other, are these entities automatically considered to be part of an Arrangement?
There is no necessary relationship between associations and an Arrangement with respect to the auction.
If two entities participate in an Arrangement, they are not necessarily associated. For two entities to be associated with one another, some degree of relationship through the corporate structure of the two entities is necessary. Separate entities that have no corporate ties could participate in an Arrangement to submit bids in the auction, each providing separate resources or expertise for participating in the auction (e.g., financial support from one entity and trading expertise from another). In that case, the entities participate in an Arrangement but they are not associated.
If two entities are associated, they are not necessarily part of an Arrangement. It is possible that two entities that are affiliated (and thus associated) would not know of each other’s plans to participate in the auction. Such entities may not be able (because one of the entities is regulated, for example) or may not be willing to collaborate in the submission of bids in the auction. In that case, the entities are not part of any sort of Arrangement but they are nevertheless associated.
04/16/2015 in CBP Rules
Is there an assigned expiry date for the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit? If we win tranches in the Auction, can we use the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit to post performance assurance?
The Pre-Bid Letter of Credit must have an expiry date no earlier than 60 calendar days after the date it is issued. The Pre-Bid Letter of Credit cannot be used to post the performance assurance required of Bidders who win supply in the Auction. If the Bidder is using a letter of credit to post performance assurance, the form of SSO Supplier Letter of Credit, which is provided as Attachment E to the Master Standard Service Offer (“SSO”) Supply Agreement, must be used. Please refer to Section 5.9 of the SSO Supply Agreement for more information regarding acceptable forms of performance assurance security.
04/16/2015 in CBP Rules
If a bidder applied to rely on a foreign guarantor but cannot do so based on an assessment provided in the Part 1 Notification, what are the bidder's options for post-bid security if the bidder wins tranches in the Auction?
If the bidder cannot rely on its foreign guarantor, the bidder will be required to meet the creditworthiness requirements for the SSO Suppliers under section 5 of the Master SSO Supply Agreement in another way. As described in Section 5.9 of the Master Standard Service Offer (“SSO”) Supply Agreement, “Acceptable Forms of Security”, an SSO Supplier has the option to post either cash credited to a deposit account of AEP Ohio or a Letter of Credit in the form of the SSO Supplier Letter of Credit, which is provided as Attachment E to the SSO Supply Agreement, in order to satisfy post assurance collateral requirements.
04/16/2015 in CBP Rules
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