CBP Rules
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If a bidder chooses to sign the Inserts using a digital signature, does the bidder have to use DocuSign or Adobe Sign?
When an Insert requires a signature, it must be completed either by: (i) printing, signing, and scanning the Insert; or by: (ii) digitally signing the Insert and providing along with the Insert an additional document or information that verifies the identity of the signatory. Additional documentation or information may include: (i) a certificate of completion if the signatory uses DocuSign; (ii) a Final Audit Report if the signatory uses Adobe Sign; (iii) evidence that the digital signature has been certified by the signatory using a document signing certificate; or (iv) other documentation or information produced by a commercially available software that can be used by the Auction Manager to verify the identity of the signatory. Digital signatures without a document or information verifying the identity of the signatory are not acceptable; signature images and other electronic signatures are not acceptable. In some cases, it will be required that the signature of an Insert that is not digitally signed be notarized.Please see the “Guide to Providing Digital Signatures” document on the Documents page on the CBP website here for more information.
10/06/2023 in CBP Rules
When does the Auction Manager provide its report to the Commission following the auction?
At the conclusion of the auction, on the day the auction closes, the Auction Manager prepares a report on the auction results. The Auction Manager transmits its report to the Commission and the Commission Consultant. The Auction Manager advises the winning bidders in the auction when the report has been transmitted to the Commission.
10/06/2023 in CBP Rules
Can a Qualified Bidder revise its indicative offer at the Minimum and Maximum Starting Prices to change its initial eligibility after the deadlines relating to the Part 2 Application have passed?
With the Part 2 Application, a Qualified Bidder must provide an indicative offer and post pre-bid security sufficient to support its indicative offer at the maximum starting price. The indicative offer at the maximum starting price provided in the Part 2 Application determines the bidder’s “initial eligibility”, which is the maximum number of tranches that a bidder can bid in the first round of the auction. Part 2 Applications were submitted to the Auction Manager by the Part 2 Date. Once the deadlines related to the Part 2 Application have passed, a Qualified Bidder can no longer revise its indicative offer to change its initial eligibility.Once the deadlines related to the Part 2 Application have passed, as required under the CBP Rules, the Auction Manager prepares documentation and information that is provided to Registered Bidders on the basis of information submitted in Part 2 Applications. For example, the Part 2 Notification includes a Registered Bidder’s initial eligibility. The Auction Manager also provides the total initial eligibility in the Auction at the time of the Part 2 Notification. Further, as described in the CBP Rules, the Auction Manager may use the indicative offers and preliminary interests to inform the setting of the round 1 price. The Auction Manager informs all Registered Bidders of the round 1 price in the auction no later than three (3) days before the auction.
10/31/2022 in CBP Rules
When and how are credit-based tranche caps determined and can we provide any updated or additional information after the Part 1 Application deadlines pass to change the credit-based tranche cap assigned to the bidder (or the bidder’s guarantor)?
The Bidding Rules for the Auctions Under the Competitive Bidding Process of Ohio Power Company (“CBP Rules”) govern the application process for the Auctions for SSO Supply held under AEP Ohio’s Electric Security Plan IV. The CBP Rules are available on the Documents page under the heading “Auction Documents”. The credit-based tranche cap is set in accordance with Paragraph IV.1.2 of the CBP Rules, which states that the financial information provided in the Part 1 Application will be used to determine the credit-based tranche cap for the bidder (or the bidder’s guarantor). In particular, the credit-based tranche cap is determined based on the credit ratings available for the bidder (or the bidder’s guarantor) in accordance with Table 2 of the CBP Rules.In the Part 1 Application, an Applicant must select whether the Applicant is relying on its own financial standing or relying on the financial standing of a Guarantor and must provide financial and credit information for the entity selected for purposes of a creditworthiness evaluation. Once the deadlines related to the Part 1 Application have passed this selection can no longer be changed for purposes of the bidding process.
10/18/2022 in CBP Rules
Will the load of Percentage of Income Payment Plan (“PIPP”) customers be included in the obligation for the SSO Load procured in the November 2022 Auction for delivery year 2023/24?
Please see paragraph I.1.4 of the CBP Rules, which states “As a result of the Commission’s Order in Case No. 16-247-EL-UNC issued on March 2, 2016, AEP Ohio removed the load of Percentage of Income Payment Plan customers (“PIPP Customers”) from the SSO auction product starting with the fourth auction of AEP Ohio’s CBP under ESP III.”
10/04/2022 in CBP Rules
What is the contingency plan if an auction fails to procure all available tranches in an auction?
The contingency plan is provided in Article IX of the CBP rules.If an auction fails to procure all needed SSO Supply, the unfilled tranches will be offered in the next auction under the CBP. If the delivery period for the unfilled tranches starts prior to the next scheduled auction under the CBP, AEP Ohio will procure SSO Supply in PJM administered markets. In that case, AEP Ohio will procure such SSO Supply from the start of the delivery period until the last day of the month after the month during which the auction in which the unfilled tranches are offered is held.
If unfilled tranches are re-bid in an auction, and they remain unfilled after being offered at auction a second time, AEP Ohio will procure SSO Supply in PJM-administered markets for the remainder of the delivery period of the unfilled tranches.
09/22/2022 in CBP Rules
Are there criteria for the Commission to accept the auction results?
As stated in Section VIII.1.3 of the CBP Rules, the Commission has a two (2) business day window from the conclusion of the auction for review of the results. The Commission may reject the results of the auction, through an Order filed within the review window, based upon a report from the Auction Manager or the Commission Consultant that the auction violates a specific CBP rule in such a manner so as to invalidate the auction or if the Commission determines that one or more of the following criteria were not met:• The auction was oversubscribed on the basis of the indicative offers received in the Part 2 Application;
• There were four (4) or more bidders;
• No bidder won more than 80% of the tranches available at the start of the auction.
Otherwise, the Commission shall accept the auction results.
09/22/2022 in CBP Rules
Can you please explain what factors are considered when determining the minimum and maximum starting price range?
The methodology for calculating the minimum and maximum starting price is not available.
09/22/2022 in CBP Rules
Can you provide the names of winning bidders from prior auctions?
The names of the winning bidders, the number of tranches won by each bidder for each product, and the auction clearing price for each product will remain confidential until released publicly by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“Commission”) or as required by law.Additional information, including information pertaining to the auction results, that has been released by the Commission, can be found on the Commission website in Docket No. 17-2391-EL-UNC: https://dis.puc.state.oh.us/CaseRecord.aspx?CaseNo=17-2391-EL-UNC&x=20&y=11
09/22/2022 in CBP Rules
Does the credit-based tranche cap take into account any tranches that may have been won in previous auctions?
The credit-based tranche cap is set for each auction and does not take into consideration tranches won in previous auctions.
09/03/2020 in CBP Rules
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