FAQ Archives - ESP III – March 2017 Auction
Have the PLCs posted on the CBP website been adjusted for Daily Zonal Scaling Factors?
The capacity Peak Load Contributions (PLCs) that are posted have not been adjusted for Daily Zonal Scaling Factors.
03/10/2017 in Data
As a returning bidder, can I upload the Legal Representative Insert (#P1-4) that I have previously provided?
Yes, returning bidders may rely on the Legal Representative Insert (#P1-4) provided under a prior Auction under AEP Ohio’s ESP III, as long as the information in the Insert remains up-to-date and valid. If you received your previously provided Legal Representative Insert from us on February 23, 2017, then it is because the Legal Representative Insert was not retained for you as intended in the Part 1 Form due to a technical error. If the Legal Representative Insert remains up-to-date and valid, please upload it to the online Part 1 Form. Otherwise, please complete a new Legal Representative Insert with up-to-date information and upload it to Section 1.4 of Part 1 Form.
03/01/2017 in Applications
If there is no change to our circumstances since our participation in the prior auction, can we simply resubmit all of the same documents and inserts for the Part 1 Application that we used in the prior auction for this auction?
No, there are some requirements that each bidder, whether a new bidder or a returning bidder that has participated in a prior auction under AEP Ohio’s ESP III, must submit anew in each Auction.In general, the Part 1 Form is pre-populated for returning bidders with some of the previously submitted information and documents. If the information or documents have been pre-populated, then you may simply click “submit” to confirm that these pre-populated information and documents remain valid and up-to-date. For all other requirements that are not pre-populated, you must provide the required updated information and documents for this March 2017 Auction.
02/23/2017 in Applications
In the webcast presentation dated February 15, 2017, you indicated a 2,530 MW PLC. What is this information based on?
The PLC (MW) is based on the five highest coincident peaks experienced by PJM in 2016 for SSO customers (i.e., non-shopping only) enrolled as of October 31, 2016. This number has not been weather adjusted. The MW-measure is the weighted average of: (1) MW-measure applicable to the first three auctions that include PIPP load; and (2) MW-measure in the last three auctions that provide supply for SSO customers only. Please see FAQs 139-141 for further information.The MW-measure is provided for reference purposes only. The amount of actual quantity to be delivered depends on many factors (e.g., migration of SSO customers).
02/15/2017 in Data
Is the MW-Measure announced for the March 2017 auction applicable to SSO Suppliers that won tranches in the first three auction under AEP Ohio’s CBP and that continue to provide supply to PIPP customers or is it applicable to SSO Suppliers that have won or will win tranches in the last three auctions under AEP Ohio’s CBP and that provide supply for SSO customers only (and not PIPP customers)?
The MW-measure announced for the March 2017 Auction is intended to be representative of SSO Load as whole and apply to SSO Suppliers that won tranches or will win tranches in any auction under AEP Ohio's CBP. Therefore, the MW-measure is calculated as a weighted average of:a) The MW-measure applicable to tranches won by SSO Suppliers in the first three auctions under AEP Ohio's CBP and that continue to provide supply to SSO customers and PIPP customers. SSO Suppliers that won tranches in these auctions continue to provide supply for 49% of SSO and PIPP customers. The PLC share for SSO customers and PIPP customers for these 49 tranches is 1,319.08 MW or 26.92 MW/tranche. And:
b) The MW-measure applicable for tranches won by SSO Suppliers or that will be won by SSO Suppliers in the last three auctions under AEP Ohio's CBP and that provide supply for SSO Customers only (and not PIPP customers). SSO Suppliers that won tranches or will win tranches in these auctions will provide supply for 51% of SSO customers only (excluding PIPP customers entirely). The PLC for SSO Customers only for these 51 tranches is 1,211.25 MW or 23.75 MW/tranche.
Please see the table provided in FAQ 140. Thus, the MW-measure is calculated as a weighted average of the tranche sizes above, or:
= ( (26.92 * 49) + (23.75 * 51) ) / 100 = 25.30 MW/tranche.
Bidders are reminded that these MW-measures are calculated for informational purposes only. AEP Ohio does not represent that a tranche will have the loads announced or any particular value. The actual SSO Load will depend upon many factors including customer migration to CRES providers and weather conditions. Bidders are responsible for evaluating the uncertainties associated with the SSO Load for which they are responsible for providing supply.
02/15/2017 in Data
Can you please clarify how the MW-Measure announced on February 15, 2017 was calculated?SSO Suppliers with Tranches won before March 2016
All Other SSO Suppliers with Tranches
CRES Suppliers Serving
PIPP Load# tranches
SSO Customers (excluding PIPP)
PIPP Customers only
Total PLC
Per Tranche MW-Measure
Wtd. average MW-Measure (1% of total PLC)
The table above shows the calculation. The total PLC for SSO is the sum of:- 1,319.08, which is 49% of SSO customers and 49% of PIPP customers; and
- 1,211.25, which is 51% of SSO customers (and no percentage of PIPP customers).
This total is 2,530.33 (rounded to 2,530 MW). The MW-measure for a 1% tranche is then 1% of 2,530 or 25.30 MW.
02/15/2017 in Data
The MW-Measure announced for the March 2017 Auction takes into consideration that supply for 51% of the PIPP Load is expected to be procured through a separate RFP auction process in Spring 2017. Supply for the entirety of the PIPP Load is expected to be procured through a separate RFP auction process in Spring 2018. What will be the effect on the PLC and MW-measure in the SSO auction of this further transition of PIPP customers?
The PLC associated with the SSO Auction will, by June 1, 2018, reflect the exclusion of 100% of the PIPP Load (17% procured through a separate RFP auction process in 2016, 51% procured in 2017, and 100% procured in 2018). Thus, the MW-measure, which is simply 1% of the PLC associated with SSO Load, will be calculated from a PLC which excludes PIPP load entirely and will be reduced accordingly.
02/15/2017 in Data