ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTOctober 09, 2014: POSTING: Sample Legal Opinion of Foreign Guarantor’s Counsel
Winning Suppliers relying on the financial standing of a foreign guarantor must submit along with the Master Energy Supply Agreement (“MESA”) (i) a legal opinion regarding the enforceability of the guaranty in the foreign jurisdiction, and (ii) a sworn certificate attesting the authority of the signatory to the Guaranty. These requirements are detailed in section 5.4(c)(ii) and section 5.6(d)(ii) of the MESA.
The Auction Manager has posted a sample legal opinion that is acceptable to AEP Ohio to the Information – Documents page of the CBP Website.
Bidders relying on the financial standing of a foreign guarantor are required to submit a draft legal opinion and draft sworn certificate with their Part 1 Application as detailed in the Third Item of Section 1.7 of the Part 1 Form. Part 1 Applications are due this Friday, October 10, 2014 by 12 PM (noon) eastern.