ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTApril 16, 2014: ANNOUNCEMENT: Estimated MW-Measure and Seasonal Factors
The estimated MW-measure is as follows:
Delivery Period | Tranche Size | PLC (MW) | MW-Measure (MW) |
Nov. 2014 – May 2015 | 1% | 3,758.7 | 37.59 |
The estimated MW-measure is unchanged from the data provided on March 6, 2014. The MW-measure is provided for reference purposes only. The amount of actual energy quantity to be delivered depends on many factors (e.g., migration of SSO customers).
The final seasonal factors are: 1.0449 for summer (June to September) and 0.9743 for non-summer (October to May). There are no summer months in the delivery period so that only the non-summer seasonal factor applies.
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