ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTJanuary 11, 2021: REMINDER: Webcast for AEP Ohio’s March 2021 Auction is TOMORROW
The upcoming March 2021 Auction will procure a 12-month product with a supply period starting on June 1, 2021. Documents governing the March 2021 Auction have been posted to the Information - Documents page of the CBP website.
The CBP Auction Manager will be holding a webcast to explain qualification requirements, as well as to review contract terms and the rules of the auctions. Parameters including the tranche target, size of each tranche, the MW-measure of each tranche, and the minimum and maximum starting prices will also be announced during the webcast. The webcast is scheduled for TOMORROW Tuesday, January 12, 2021 from 10 AM – 12 PM EPT. Please RSVP by clicking here or by replying to this email.
Click here to submit a question to the Auction Manager.