ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTDecember 02, 2013: OPTIONAL – Alternate Guaranty Process for AEP Ohio’s CBP
All potential bidders that rely on the financial standing of a guarantor may use the standard Form of Guaranty appended to the Master Energy Supply Agreement (“MESA”).
The Alternate Guaranty Process is an opportunity for potential bidders to submit an alternate guaranty form for consideration by AEP Ohio.
AEP Ohio has specified a list of minimum requirements that any alternate guaranty form must satisfy. These requirements are listed in the Alternate Guaranty Process document, posted to the Information – Documents page.
The deadline to submit an alternate guaranty form is 6PM Eastern on Thursday, December 5, 2013. Potential bidders that choose to submit an alternate guaranty form must submit all required materials electronically by email to the Auction Manager at