ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTSeptember 07, 2018: ANNOUNCEMENT: Parameters for November 2018 Auction
Please find below, for the November 2018 Auction:
- the tranche target and size of each tranche
Product Delivery Period Tranche Target Load Cap Tranche Size 12-month June 2019 - May 2020 17 13 1%
- MW-measure of each tranche
PLC (MW)* 2,504 MW-measure 25.04
*The PLC (MW) is based on the five highest coincident peaks experienced by PJM in 2017 for SSO customers (i.e., non-shopping only). The MW-measure is provided for reference purposes only. The amount or actual quantity to be delivered depends on many factors (e.g., migration of SSO customers).
- the minimum and maximum starting prices
The minimum starting price in the auction is $60/MWh and the maximum starting price is $80/MWh. In round 1 of the auction, the price for the product will be set no lower than the minimum starting price and no higher than the maximum starting price.
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