ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTFebruary 26, 2018: REMINDER: Deadline to Submit Comments on the SSO Supplier Letter of Credit is TODAY
Exhibit E to the Master SSO Supply Agreement provides the Form of the SSO Supplier Letter of Credit that an SSO Supplier can use as an acceptable form of security. The SSO Supplier Letter of Credit is posted to the Information page of the CBP website. AEP Ohio is providing an opportunity for potential suppliers to provide comments on or propose modifications to the SSO Supplier Letter of Credit. The deadline for submissions is 12 PM (noon) EST TODAY, Monday, February 26, 2018.
Any comments or proposed modifications to the SSO Supplier Letter of Credit must be submitted as a redline to the SSO Supplier Letter of Credit in Microsoft Word format. The document must be sent by email to A redline that is not substantially in the form of the SSO Supplier Letter of Credit will not be reviewed. A potential supplier is limited to a single submission.
All modifications to the SSO Supplier Letter of Credit accepted by AEP Ohio for use on an optional basis will be posted to the Information page of the CBP website by Friday, March 2, 2018.
The submission of proposed modifications to the SSO Supplier Letter of Credit is entirely optional.