ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTFebruary 02, 2018: ANNOUNCEMENT: Estimated MW-Measure and Seasonal Factors
In accordance with Section II.1.5 of the CBP Rules, we provide below the following for the March 2018 Auction:
- seasonal factors; and
- MW-measure of each tranche.
We confirm that the seasonal factors announced on January 12, 2018 are unchanged. The seasonal factors are: 1.000 for summer (June to September) and 1.000 for non-summer (October to May).
We confirm that the estimated MW-measure of each tranche announced on January 12, 2018 is unchanged.
PLC (MW)* | 2,533 |
MW-measure |
*The PLC (MW) is based on the five highest coincident peaks experienced by PJM in 2017 for SSO customers (i.e., non-shopping only) using customer counts as of October 31, 2017. The MW-measure is provided for reference purposes only. The amount of actual quantity to be delivered depends on many factors (e.g., migration of SSO customers).