ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTJanuary 12, 2018: ANNOUNCEMENT: Parameters for March 2018 Auction
Please find below, for the March 2018 Auction:
- the tranche targets and size of each tranche
Product Delivery Period Tranche Target Load Cap Tranche Size 12-month June 2018 - May 201917 40 1% 24-month June 2018 - May 2020 17 1% 36-month June 2018 - May 2021 16 1%
- MW-measure of each tranche
PLC (MW)* 2,533 MW-measure 25.33
- the minimum and maximum starting prices
The minimum starting price for the products in the auction is $65/MWh and the maximum starting price is $85/MWh. In round 1 of the auction, the price for a product will be set no lower than the minimum starting price and no higher than the maximum starting price.