ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTMarch 03, 2016: ANNOUNCEMENT: Commission Issues Order Removing PIPP Load from Auction
On March 2, 2016, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“Commission”) issued a Finding and Order in Case No. 16-247-EL-UNC. For the upcoming auction, the Order, amongst other items, requires AEP Ohio to remove the load of Percentage of Income Payment Plan customers (“PIPP Customers”) from the SSO auction product. A link to the Commission’s Finding and Order is provided below.
The Commission’s Finding and Order requires certain revisions to the CBP Rules and Master SSO Supply Agreement. An Applicant will be required to agree to the terms of the revised CBP Rules and revised Master SSO Supply Agreement in order to qualify to bid for the upcoming Auction.
The Auction Manager will release revised documents to bidders as soon as practicable. At that time, the Auction Manager will also advise bidders on the process to be followed by bidders to agree to the terms of the revised documents.