ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTAugust 14, 2015: ANNOUNCEMENT: Auction Documents posted to CBP Website
On Thursday, August 13, 2015, the Auction Manager posted the following documents to the Information - Documents page of the CBP website:
- CBP Rules
- Rules and Protocols for Participation by Associated Bidders
- Communications Protocols
- Part 1 Application
- Part 2 Application
- Glossary
- AEP Ohio Master SSO Supply Agreement
- Attachment D Form of Guaranty
- Attachment E Form of SSO Supplier Letter of Credit
- Sample Legal Opinion of Foreign Guarantor's Counsel
- Acceptable Modifications to Pre-Bid Security Documents
- Pre-Bid Letter of Credit
- Letter of Intent to Provide a Guaranty
- Letters of Reference
Please see the schedule of events here. Click here to submit a question to the Auction Manager.