ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTMarch 27, 2015: REMINDERS: Part 1 Date, Tranches, Starting Price Range
The Part 1 Window for the First and Second Auctions under ESP III is open and you may access the online form NOW for purposes of submitting your Part 1 Application. The Part 1 Application is due by 12 PM (noon) Eastern Prevailing Time on Thursday, April 2, 2015. If you do not already have login credentials, please register for an application account by clicking here.
Each auction will feature a mix of 12, 24, and 36 month products as follows:
Product Type | Delivery Period | Tranche Target |
Tranche Size |
12-month | Jun 2015 - May 2016 | 17 | 1% |
24-month | Jun 2015 - May 2017 | 17 | 1% |
36-month | Jun 2015 - May 2018 | 16 | 1% |
The minimum and maximum starting prices are:
Max | $95/MWh |
Min | $70/MWh |
The PLC (MW) is based on the five highest coincident peaks experienced by PJM in 2014 for SSO customers (i.e., non-shopping only).
PLC (MW)* | 2,954.03 |
MW-measure* | 29.54 |
*The MW-measure is provided for reference purposes only. The amount of actual quantity to be delivered depends on many factors (e.g., migration of SSO customers).
Click here to submit a question to the Auction Manager.