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March 02, 2015: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commission Modifies and Approves AEP Ohio's ESP; Two Auctions to be Held April 28 and May 12

On February 25, 2015, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“PUCO” or “Commission”) modified and approved AEP Ohio’s electric security plan (“ESP III”) including its Competitive Bidding Process (“CBP”) for procuring supply for AEP Ohio’s standard service offer (“SSO”) customers.

AEP Ohio will seek to procure full requirements supply for its SSO customers through six (6) descending clock auctions. The first two (2) auctions will be held April 28, 2015 and May 12, 2015. These two (2) auctions will procure a mix of one, two and three-year products for supply beginning June 1, 2015. A single application process will be held for participation in the first two auctions.

A copy of the Commission opinion and order is available at www.PUCO.ohio.gov (Case No. 13-2385-EL-SSO). Additional information and documents will be posted shortly to the website, www.aepohiocbp.com.

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