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October 28, 2014: ANNOUNCEMENT: Estimated MW-Measure and Seasonal Factors

In accordance with Section II.1.5 of the CBP Rules, we provide below the following for the November 2014 Auction:

 Delivery Period Tranche Target  Tranche Size  PLC (MW)  MW-Measure
 Jan. 2015 - May 2015 40 1%  3,345.05 33.45

We confirm that the estimated MW-measure announced on September 29, 2014 is unchanged. Please note that the PLC (MW) is based on the five highest coincident peaks experienced by PJM in 2013 for SSO customers (i.e., non-shopping only). The MW-measure is provided for reference purposes only. The amount of actual energy quantity to be delivered depends on many factors (e.g., migration of SSO customers).

The seasonal factors are: 1.0449 for summer (June to September) and 0.9743 for non-summer (October to May). There are no summer months in the delivery period so that only the non-summer seasonal factor applies.

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